解决IBM T43/R52更换硬盘错误的方法是什么? (产品供销 - 手机通讯)

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解决IBM T43/R52更换硬盘错误的方法是什么?

IBM T43的硬盘太小了,我想升级到120G的,但是却发现升级硬盘以后开机的时候报2010的错误:
2010arning:your internal hard disk drive(HDD) may not fuction correctly on this system.Ensure that your HDD is supported on this system and that the latest HDD firmware is installed
Press<ESC> to continue
Press <F1>to setup
A new option to allow the system to boot without pressing the Esc key in the BIOS Setup when the 2010 error (An unsupported hard disk is used or the firmware of IBM/Lenovo hard disk is old) is displayed.
To change the setting, go to 'BIOS Setup menu', 'Startup' and then 'Boot after message for HDD...'.
(Note) Use the supported hard disk or update the firmware of IBM/Lenovo hard disk for safe.
'BIOS Setup menu'->'Startup'->'Boot after message for HDD compatibility without having to press |,将这个选项设为“Continue”(默认是“Pause”)。

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最后更新: 2024-02-19 11:19:42
发 布 者: 草莓
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浏览次数: 157
网络广告(中国) > 产品供销 > 手机通讯 > 解决IBM T43/R52更换硬盘错误的方法是什么?
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