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具有贸易,商业,进口,出口领域的活动历史 代表中国公司在医疗用品领域 代表水果和坚果,藏红花,开心果,香蕉,芒果,干果领域的商业公司 在德黑兰代表工业和石油公司 我们是您在伊朗首都(德黑兰)的业务代表。 联系我们 9192241091(98+) 9125201575(+98) 雷扎先生 With a history of activity in the fields of trade, commerce, import, export Representation of Chinese companies in the field of medical supplies Representing commercial companies in the field of fruit and nuts, saffron, pistachios, bananas, mangoes, dried fruits Representation of industrial and oil companies in Tehran We are your business representative in the capital of Iran (Tehran( contact us 9192241091(+98) 9125201575(+98) whats app Mr. Reza | |
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